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Will, Alexandra Harrelson, of the DR.Phil family commit to sobriety

@prettybug88 -- Alexandra Harrelson

While watching the Dr.Phil show Friday, I was both shocked and amazed to see a promo for the Dr.Phil family that will be airing, February, 2nd. If you are an avid follower of this family; like I am, you’ll remember Dr.Phil telling Alexandra that he would never speak to her again, unless, they were both sitting in the lobby of a rehab facility. Guess where Alexandra was sitting in the promo? That’s right boys and girls – In the lobby of a rehab facility. I hope I’m not jumping-the-gun by assuming Alexandra has committed herself to a life of sobriety.

Alex hasn’t tweeted since July, 7th

I’ve been following, Alexandra Harrelson, on twitter for quite sometime now, And the one matter that has irked me like nothing else could is the Alexandra fan club. The undeserved praise was cringe-worthy, and quite frankly begged the question – what is “their” drug of choice. As you may have noticed in blogs past; I am not an Alex-fan, but I am a fan of healthy living. No matter how anyone feels about Alexandra personally; her children need their mother, and I have waited a long time to see this young woman pull herself together. If I am being honest, words cannot describe how happy I am for Alex, and her children. Assuming she admits/commits to rehab(ilitation).

I can’t end without at least mentioning the woman that brings all of the drama

– Erin Stehl, the mother of Alexandra. I have never seen fit to blame Erin for her daughters destructive behavior(s). Alex is an adult and there comes a time in everyone’s life where they must start taking responsibility for their own actions. Besides, it’s not like Alex did not have the entire staff at the Dr.Phil show offering her help and support. Alex and Alex alone refused the help. That said, I could not believe Erin’s comments in the recent promo. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – Erin is extremely vain. Let me see if I can recall Erin’s exact words about seeing her daughter walking the street – “Alex was dirty. She was wearing men’s shoes, they look like she could have pulled them out of the trash.”  C’mon Erin, your daughter has been walking the dangerous path of endless sorrow and regret for a long time now. Is her choice of clothing really what shocks you? Really?  After Erin spews her concerns about Alexandra’s vagabond apparel, she finally mentions Alex sweating from withdrawals. Perhaps I am out of line for suggesting that Erin is vain. Maybe all mothers would concern themselves with what their 22 year old, homeless, drug addicted daughter is wearing? In any case, I did not write this blog to denounce Erin as a vain woman who seems more distraught over a pair of shoes than she does her daughter dying a slow death. I do, however, hope Erin gets some help before she inadvertently passes the ridiculous burden of “keeping up with the Joneses”  off to the grandchildren. 

Good luck in Rehab Alex!